Announcements > Posts > PTA Minutes - Oct. 9, 2013


October 17
PTA Minutes - Oct. 9, 2013

KPES PTA Meeting
October 9, 2013
In attendance: Sharon McCracken, Mary Jo Maxwell, Lindsay Downey, Mary Ann Gallagher, Sherry Ann Soodan, Lauren Anderson, Debbie Cassidy, Michelle Kent, Carrie Travis, Tina Haines, Kim Peer
Principal’s Report:
  • Benches are here!!  They still need to be installed. 
Budget (Lindsay)
  • We made a great profit at Fun Fair this year – primarily from keeping our expenses down – YAY!!
  • Tshirts – only 4 left, size Large.  We’ll order more – pre-order form will be sent home.
  • Hot Lunch results have not yet been compiled.
Hot Lunch
  • We had a hiccup with Kredels & some poor marks on a health inspection, but everything has been resolved and its business as usual.  11 people ended up canceling their Mac & Cheese lunch but only 2 from safety concerns.
  • There was some discussion around whether or not to change the offering from Kredels.  Sherry Ann & Lauren are exploring options – will likely be some changes before the next hot lunch session which begins Nov 4th.
Magazine Campaign (Lindsay)
Profit still has to be determined. (Awesome!) This number will likely change slightly in the next few weeks.
Fall Fun Fair (Carrie & Tina)
  • BIG success!!  Great weather, great turn out, BBQ sold out!
  • Looking at limiting the size of the candy jars that are accepted next year to reduce the “junk factor”.
  • Pumpkin carving was a fabulous new addition – very popular
Teachers’ Report
  • Nothing to report
PSSC (Sharon)
  • Lots of talk about the new school
  • Lots of new information/policies about youth mental health issues, our school staff is looking at bringing some of this learning to our school.
  • Next PSSC meeting is scheduled for Nov
  • Minutes on school website.
  • Susannah prepared an update – paper copy was handed out at the meeting.
  • Library hours for each class begin week of Oct 14th, but students will be unable to check out books until the computer/scanner is ready.
President’s Report
  • School Zone street signs (Michelle) – our signage meets “minimum” requirements.  To increase or change signage, we need to submit a proposal to Rothesay’s Public Works committee.  Michelle has contacted the appropriate person and is waiting for further information.  Kim mentioned that the Rate Payers Association is also looking at signage issues.  Michelle to talk to them & see if we can get this done together.
  • Looking at ordering KPES hats again.  Mary Ann to source.
  • BINGO date set for Wednesday Nov 6th @ St James church. (BMC was not available)
  • Anonymous Art Show – Debbie to source canvases (small).   Subcommittee set up to source venue, hash out costs, whether or not the buyer knows what he/she is purchasing, or should we make it a surprise to ensure that all art is sold and make it more fun.  Michelle to contact Manami to see if she will lend her artist’s mind to help organize the event.  Other subcommittee members are Mary Ann, Carrie, Sherry Ann.
Playground Committee
  • Refer to minutes from subcommittee meeting. 
  • Still looking for Bball nets – they may be in the landfill by now.
  • 1st step in deciding which new equipment to purchase is to survey the kids…possibly on line.
Literacy Night
  • January 27th
  • More details to follow closer to the event.
Next meeting set for November 19th @ 7:30 pm.


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