Announcements > Posts > October 25th


October 25
October 25th

Attention Reach for the Top Players - At lunch, new grade 10 and 11 players will practice with Mr. Brideau and grade 9s will practice with Mr. Thorne.  After school, grade 10s and new 11s will practice with Mr. Hermann while seniors will practice with Mr. Thorne

Fall Play - Tonight is OPENING NIGHT of "Almost, Maine" in the KVHS theatre! Tickets are still available for tonight's performance in the library, from a cast member, or at Curtain is at 7:30, and "break a leg" to all cast members and tech crew.



Trick or Eat - Mrs. Humphries’ grade 12 leadership class is organizing Trick or Eat during the month of October. We are looking for as many participants as possible. This is a battle between each grade to bring the most canned goods to donate to the food bank at the end of this month. Grade 12s are in the lead!


Music - This masterclass will offer a public concert on Friday November 4 from 6-9:30; tickets are 10 each for students and seniors and 20 for adults. This concert will be at St. Malachy’s Memorial High School.  The rest of the masterclass will take place on November 5 and 6 from 9-5. This masterclass is $100 to attend. If there are financial barrier, please let Bobbie Clark know. Sign up will end on October 26/2022. This masterclass is open to students who have a deep interest in music and who know how to play their instruments. 

Used Book Sale - Renaissance will be having is 12th annual Used Book sale on October 28th from 6 – 9 and October 29th from 10 – 4 in the KVHS Cafeteria.  If you have any used books or magazines to donate to the sale, please bring them to Mrs. Wright in Room 136 in the Math Wing.

Recycling:  Anyone interested in joining recycling, please come to the Bio Lab, Room 251 Today  at 12:30.


Renaissance – Could all members of Renaissance please meet on Thursday, October 27th at 12:30 in Mrs. Wrights Room, Room 136 in the Math Wing.  New members are welcome!


International Club - Are you interested in languages and cultures? Then come join the International Club in Mrs. Korme’s room 264 at lunch. The International Club is for international and local students who are interested in learning more about each other's culture. Some of our activities will include mini-language lessons, food tastings, learning international songs or dances, and just having fun socializing in a multicultural environment.  


KV Philanthropy – Meets today in Mrs. Nicholson-Waye’s room, room 412 at lunch.  Eveyone is welcome!


Book Club – Meets today at lunch in Room 406.



Softball please return your jerseys to Mr. Thorne


Basketball Tryouts start this week, please see social media for times, take note that all tryouts are located at Rothesay High school.


Anyone who is interested in score keeping basketball please come see Ms. Humphries in 117 during advisory or send her an email. If you’re looking for her at lunch, you can find her in her office by the gym.


Could all Field Hockey Players go see Mr. Doiron after the announcements in Room 006.


Halloweek!  Hey KV, we are having our Halloween Spirit week starting tomorrow!  Tomorrow is grad celebrity Dress Up day, so grads come dressed up like your favourite celebrity!  On Friday is orange and black day, so come decked out.  And finally on Monday, October 31st we have costume day for Halloween.  Come wearing your best costumes but remember no masks!​


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