Announcements > Posts > Tuesday, November 6


November 06
Tuesday, November 6

KVHS Morning Announcements
November 6, 2018
On the Menu today in the Cafeteria:  grilled baja chicken sandwich with side salad or mushroom alfredo pasta
The University of New Brunswick will be here on Monday, December 3rd for on the spot admissions.  Students must apply and pay online before attending.  Please sign up in the Guidance Centre for an appointment time. 3/11
The TD Scholarship for Community Leadership has arrived in the Guidance Office.  Applications are available for pick up.  They are due November 16th. 16/11
Any Students interested in attending Queen’s University to study Commerce should check out the D & R Sobey Atlantic Admission Award posted in the Guidance Centre. 2/11
Mount Allison University will be here on Monday, November 19th to have individual meetings with interested students:  Please sign up in Guidance for an appointment time.  If you meet with them, the recruiters will give you an online code that will waive the admission fee. 19/11
There will be a SHAD presentation on Wednesday in the Work Room at lunch hour by a SHAD fellow. SHAD is a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math program that runs in July. SHAD is a life changing opportunity and chance to meet like-minded and driven students like you. Scholarship and bursaries are available. If you are interested in applying or learning more, come to the Work Room, all are welcome.
Mr. Doiron’s Wellness class period 4 is in the Fitness Center.
A jacket has been found in the main gym over the weekend. If it is yours, please see Mr. Rice.
Did you forget to buy your yearbook at the best price of the year? The sale of $55 online will be back this Thursday and Friday! You’ll also be able to buy your yearbook here at the school during parent-teacher. The sale of free personalization is only back for this Thursday and Friday. Don’t miss out!
Attention all grads! Belinda’s Bash is coming up! Are you looking forward to playing some childhood games and eat some yummy desserts? Then come on out on Wednesday, November 7 at 6:30pm. Admission is desserts or $5 but $5 doesn’t taste very good!
Youth Alpha Series and free pizza happening today in room 006. All those that are interested can go at lunch time to find out more information.
Debate Team – meeting Tuesday at 12:40pm in Mrs. Toner’s room. Also we will have a fun debate with RNS here after school on Tuesday. Newcomers welcome!
Knitting Club – Learn to knit, sew and cross-stich today in room 124 with Ms. Smith
Reach For The Top – Attention new Reach for the Top players, there will be a special practice for new players today at 12:30pm in room 228. Other juniors practice in room 230. All Reach players practice after school.
Chess – Attention Chess enthusiasts! KVHS Chess Club will be meeting on Thursdays at lunch time in Mr. Marin’s class (room 245, in the wing above the math wing). The district tournament is coming up in early December, so please see Mr. Marin if you are interested in attending.
KVHS Concert Band is selling Saint John Sea Dog flex tickets as a fund raiser.  If you would like to buy Sea Dog tickets for any home game, please see Ms. Palmer or any band student.
Attention Blue Tones members:  There will be a rehearsal for Baritones today after school. There will be practice tomorrow after school for everyone.
Spring Musical – for any students interested in the spring musical, there will be a meeting this Thursday at lunch in the theatre.
All field hockey jerseys are to be returned to Mr. Doiron during or before Advisory in room 291.  Senior team return uniforms to Mr. Morton


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