Parent School Support Committee

Kennebecasis Valley High School

Minutes of Regular Meeting

Thursday, February 9, 2006


In attendance: Betty Locke (Chairperson), Nancy Littlewood, Nancy Jones, Nick Papadopoulos, Dan Trecartin, Robert Munro (Principal), Sandra Bartlett, Mary Stilwell, Emily Love, Christin Clarke, Christine Hoyt (Recording Secretary).

Regrets:  Kelly Munkittrick, Patty Donovan, Karyn Locke

Guest:  Joan Stratton, DEC representative


1.                  Meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.


2.                  The agenda was approved as amended.


3.                  The minutes of the January 12, 2006 meeting were approved unanimously.


4.                  Correspondence Received: none.


5.                  Staff Appreciation Events


Everything is ready for the staff breakfast on February 14th. The bus drivers were invited. Tasks were assigned to members for the Staff Appreciation Week preparation. Dan will coordinate the set-up at 7pm the night before. Betty Locke will invite Zoe from the District Office.


6.                  Parking in front of the School


The letter was sent to the Superintendent. Bob has had some discussions with District staff and he expects a written response to the letter. Members discussed attending the next DEC meeting on February 15th.


7.                  Substance Awareness Sessions Planning


This item was deferred until our March meeting when Patty Donovan and Joyce Melvin (from Pasage) will be in attendance. The date will also be set at that time.


8.                  How to Drug Proof your Kids


Discussion was held on the merits of this program. Dan Trecartin and possibly either Nancy Littlewood or Nancy Jones will train as facilitators on the weekend of March 4 and 5.


It was moved by Sandra Bartlett and seconded by Nick Papadopoulos that the Committee assist with paying half the costs of the training (whether one member attends for $250 or two attend for $400).  Unanimously agreed.




9.                   Student Report:


Emily Love reported that 80% of the student population voted in the mock election.

The End Poverty group is raising money for Romero House.

The junior girls basketball provincial championships are February 10 and 11 at KVHS.


10.              Principal’s Report:


Bob Munro updated the Committee on the status of the Committee budget. The students will have their blood pressure and weight taken starting on Monday as a follow-up study to a 1970’s study at the school.

There are Quality Learning Agenda dollars available for individual in-school professional development and all 12 requests put in by KVHS teachers have been approved by the district.

February 8th is the date of the parent orientation for incoming Grade 9 students. Bob Munro will mention volunteering on the PSSC to the parents at that time.


11.              Other Business


Mary Stilwell briefed the Committee on a valuable in-service for teachers of Korean students.

Bob Munro will follow-up on the status of the proposed system to use the internet to access school marks.


12.              Fall Health Fair Planning


Deferred until the next meeting.


13.              The committee meeting was adjourned at 9:10pm.




Next meeting Thursday March 2, 2006 at 7pm.