Kennebecasis Valley High School
Parent School Support Committee
Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 7, 2003

Present: Betty Locke (chair), Kelly Munkittrick, John Mulligan, Brian Flewwelling,

Darrell Belyea, Katie Oliver, Patrick Dunn, Clair Barefoot, Katelynn Craig, Tammy Oliver, Monique Caissie, Robert Munro, Patty Donovan (recording secretary)

Regrets: Nick Papadopoulos


Call to order


Betty Locke was re-elected as chair, and Patty Donovan offered to be recording secretary.

Community Member

Tammy Oliver, who was a community member last year and very active in the school, was asked to return again this year as community member.

Approval of the Agenda

There was discussion about adding a permanent section to agendas that would include a review of previous minutes to check on actions, as suggested by Patty.

Meeting Dates

It was agreed that the committee would meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month except March. Meeting dates for this year are: Nov 4, Dec 2, Jan 6, Feb 3, Mar 9, Apr 6, May 4 and Jun 1. Monique expressed concern that meetings would run past 9pm. It was agreed that meetings would begin at 7pm to allow a full two hours for meetings when needed. Meetings are in the conference room at KVHS

Approval of the minutes

The minutes of May 14, 2003 were adopted as presented. No minutes were submitted for June 11, 2003 due to there not being a quorum. Betty reported that she took notes about the discussion, which were circulated for information.

For future reference a quorum is 6 members


1. An email was received from District office reporting that the Orientation Evening for

DEC and PSSC members will be November 13, 2003 in Hampton.

ACTION: Betty and/or Bob will circulate information to members as it becomes


2. A letter was received from Quispamsis Elementary School PSSC to ask for our

support of the expansion of the DARE program. It was suggested to invite a member of the Rothesay Regional Police force to our next meeting to discuss the feasibility of expanding the DARE program to high school.

ACTION: Tammy will call the Rothesay Regional Police to invite a member to our November 4, 2003 meeting, or when an officer is available.

ACTION: Kelly to speak to his wife, who is on the QES PSSC, and thank them

for including us in their efforts. He will also let them know how we intend

to proceed with that information.

Overview of the SIP and Educational Review

A copy of the existing SIP and the Educational Review received from the Department of Education was circulated prior to the meeting. The SIP will be undergoing extensive revision this year. Bob reported that the relevant sections of the SIP were now in the hands of the department heads and were being reviewed and revised and will be circulated to the PSSC before Christmas. He explained the reporting procedure, the reasoning behind the development of the SIP, and the desired outcomes, which include a more inclusive KVHS. Bob encouraged the PSSC to take ownership of some actions that could be included in the SIP.

ACTION: Bob will bring copies of the School Discipline Policy to the November 4th meeting for committee members.

A discussion about gender issues and inclusive climate prompted Monique to report on the actions of the Teacher-lead School Improvement Group and their work to improve KVHS.

ACTION: Monique to report monthly on the actions of the SIG at PSSC meetings.

Student Report

The students did not have a report to give as school has just begun. Patty asked the students if the locks on bathroom stalls had been repaired, and tampon and condom machines were filled and working. A discussion revealed that tampons were available from staff at various locations in the school.

ACTION: Clair to look at ways to discreetly circulate information to female students.

Tammy has tried repeatedly to get the condom machines serviced only to find that the man who used to service them no longer did.

ACTION: Patty to research condom availability and Education potential, with a focus on education, communication and harm reduction.

Principal Report

· Due to bussing problems school now begins at 8:45am

· A 15 minute reading time has been introduced. Students have reported that they see that there is overall support, however, some issues have arisen due to content (some teachers allow studying (reading notes) while others restrict reading to non-textbook literature). The goal is to get students reading.

· Student Services- the resource and methods department has been revamped and is now more inclusive in its focus and its ability to deliver specialized programs for more youth. We have 3 full-time teachers and 7 TA's. This process will be constantly evaluated.

· Physical Plant- Dr. Giffin, John MacDonald, Tom Belyea, and Bob did a review of the school for air quality issues that are affecting some students health. Bob reported that the District seems to be looking more at the global problem and KVHS is way down on the list of priorities for a revamping of their air systems.

ACTION: Bob will keep the committee apprised on their progress.

Patty reported that her son is very ill in this school and not coping well in his classes. Betty reported that her daughter's English class is in the art room, which uses fans for ventilation; so is Patty's daughter.

ACTION: Parents who are so inclined please contact District office and ask for KVHS to be considered a high priority due to serious air quality issues.

· Smoking Policy- there is no longer any smoking on school grounds and there have been some issues with students. An education action plan is being worked on by teachers.

· Voice Mail- Bob requested $1,600.00 to continue talk mail and phone lines for teachers. A discussion about the final budget was not resolved.

ACTION: Bob to bring updated budget to November meeting

Darrell moved that the committee provide the requested funds form the PSSC budget. Patty seconded Motion Carried

· Parents of graduating students will be invited to the school on November 12, 2003 to discuss information about post secondary education and potential scholarships

· Bullying Initiative- 20 students (aka white jerseys) were given a day of training to increase awareness of safe spaces and the impact of bullying. As Student Leaders they worked with incoming grade 9 students and were peer supporters.

This was well received and will be repeated in the future.

Items for Future Agendas

1. Review of previous minutes and actions to be included

2. Emergency Preparedness Plan

3. PSSC budget

4. Drug Education and Awareness

5. Sexual Health Education

6. Communication on Physical Environment

The meeting adjourned at 9:43pm

Next meeting Tuesday November 4, 2003 at 7pm.