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Agenda August 21 2019.pdf
8/14/2019 3:46 PM
DEC Annual Planning Cycle August 2019.pdf
8/14/2019 3:47 PM
DEC Minutes June 2019.pdf
9/3/2019 2:28 PM
Ltr Minister re Teacher Allocation Aug 2019.pdf
8/14/2019 3:47 PM
Min Response Website June 2019.pdf
8/14/2019 3:48 PM
Notice of Meeting August 21 2019.pdf
8/14/2019 3:48 PM
PSSC budget allocation 2019 - 2020 DEC Report.pdf
8/14/2019 3:48 PM
Public Meetings 2019.2020.pdf
8/14/2019 3:48 PM
Superintendent Report August 2019.pdf
8/14/2019 3:49 PM