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Lakefield Elementary School

Please select which Education Centre your school is located in.

Hampton Education Centre

District Communication Section:

How often do you use the Anglophone School District- South (ASD-S) website?


Do you find the ASD-S website easy to navigate?


If somewhat or no, please specify by leaving a comment...


Which aspect of the ASD-S site do you use the most?

Busing Information

If other please specify leaving a comment (district level)...

The district needs to know that your bussing system is unsafe and a complete mess.  It is a complete embarrassment and a point of extreme frustration for families, who do the right things to try to their part in the process but are left floundering without being able to access the information they need.  As a parents first experience in the ed system, is not a positive point to start off on.

Have you subscribed to the ASD-S News?


School Communication Section:

How do you want to receive information from your child’s school? Check all that apply:

Newsletters; Email

Please rate the communication services that you prefer. (1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest)

  Low Average High 
Social Media - Twitter 
School Website 
Ed Line (Schools who presently offer this program) 

Could communication from your child’s school be improved?


If yes, please explain your suggestions below.

Teachers and school administration do a good job communication with families on day to day items.

How often do you use the school website?


Do you visit the Parent School Support Committee (PSSC) information section on the school website page?


What sections of the school website do you feel are important?
Click all that apply

Student Handbook

If other please specify by leaving a comment (school level)...

I believe websites are becoming dated as a communicate tool.  Please don't want to go to a page and then navigate it. They want the information to come to them (twitter, email, FB) There is too much updating needed (information is often out of date) and who on a school staff has the time and knowledge to keep their sited updated.

Teacher Communication Section:

How do you want to receive information from your child's teacher(s)? Check all that apply.

Newsletters; Email

If other please specify leaving a comment (classroom / teacher level)...

Email and Newsletters are good for normal communication.  However, issues should be dealt with via a phone call and they often are not.

Please rate the communication services that you prefer at the teacher level. (1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest)

  Low Average High 
Class website 
Phone calls 
Social Media - Twitter 
Ed Line ( Schools that offer this program ) 

Does your child's teacher have a class website?

3.Not Sure

If yes, how often do you visit it?


How could communication from your child's classroom (teacher) be improved? Please explain below or write in N/A.

phone calls not emails if there are concerns.

Created at 9/11/2015 10:21 AM by ***
Last modified at 9/11/2015 10:21 AM by ***