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* indicates a required field
1.What is your School? *
3. Have you learned things on your Co-op job that you could not learn in school? *
4.Could you provide us with some examples. (Optional)

5. Did your teacher visit your training site often enough? *
6.Did your teacher take an interest in your activities and progress at the training site? *
After being involved in your school’s Cooperative Education course, do you feel the following statements apply to you?

7. I am better aware of the training and education required for my future career. *
8.I am more aware of optional future careers that are available to me.. *
9. I feel that I now have a better chance of getting a good job.
10. I have gained an attitude that will make me a greater success in the working world.. *
11. I have a better knowledge of my employer’s expectations. *
12. I have a better understanding of the relationship between school and work.. *
13. My Coop placement gave me a better understanding of my in-school subject(s). *
14. I gained additional knowledge and skills in my subject area that I could not have learned in the classroom. *
15. I better understand the need for on-the-job safety. *
16. I am better able to manage my time. *
17. I feel more confident about pursuing my future plans after leaving high school.
18. I had an opportunity to use equipment not available in my school. *
19. I felt I was doing a good job at this training site.
20. I now have increased confidence in myself. *
21. I now realize that I need more career information.
22. Would you recommend the Cooperative Education course to other students? *
23.  Why / Why not?: (Optional)