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October 03
October 3 - 7, 2016

Our first Parent School Support committee meeting is Monday Oct. 3 at 5 -6 PM here at the school and it will be followed by a Home and School Meeting at 6 PM!  Come on out and get involved in our school community!
Our first assembly of the year is coming right up on October 4 at 9 AM – we’ll be focusing on the first habit of happy kids and we’ll also be recognizing students who had perfect attendance in September – students who came to school every single day that we had school AND who were on time every single day!
 Attendance matters at MES and we’re hoping your child will be eligible for the great attendance breakfast in early December!  Students will be invited to our special breakfast if they have a combination of two or less lates and absences for the first three months of school! 
Kindergarten registration for 2017-2018 is coming right up and if you know a child born in 2012 who will turn five sometimes in 2017, it’s time to get signed up for school!  Please drop by the school office sometime during the week of Oct. 11-14 to register!
October 6 and 7 are Professional Learning Days for all students in the province of NB.  Teacher and support staff, along with secretaries and custodians will all be receiving professional learning. 
 Monday October 10 is Thanksgiving Holiday Monday and there is no school for staff or students.
Have a great week!


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