Good luck to the middle level girls basketball team as they travel to MEMS this weekend for their first tournament of the season!
School NewsSports News
High school soccer tryouts will be from 2:30-3:30 after school today! Please make sure your child has a drive home at 3:30!
School NewsSports News
High School Soccer team will have a practice this Friday, Sept. 14th, 2018 from 2:30-3:30.
Please ensure your child has a drive home at 3:30
School NewsSports News
The high school soccer game scheduled for today in Minto has been postphoned. Please stay tuned for the rescheduled date.
School NewsSports News
The middle school soccer game on Monday Oct. 15th has been changed to a 4pm start time. Students are permitted to stay after school for the game!
School NewsSports News
The high school girls basketball tryout scheudle for today has been changed to 4:30 - 5:30. Any grade eights whishing to tryout are asked to attend.
School NewsSports News
Both boys and girls middle level basketball games schedule for this evening have been cancelled due to road conditions.
School NewsSports News
The high school boys basketball game against CRHS has been reschedule for this Tuesday Feb. 5th following the middle level games at 7:30
School NewsSports News
The middle level girls volleyball game scheduled for this evening, April 8th, 2019, has been cancelled. Rescheduled date will be posted once finialized.
School NewsSports News
Good luck to the middle level girls volleyball team as they head into the playoffs on Tuesday May 14 after an undefeated season!! Keep up the hard work girls!
School NewsSports News