· Grade 12 – a rep from NBCC (New Brunswick Community College) will be here
· With Winter sports try outs over lapping the Fall sports season, please be advised that ALL Fall sport
· A big thank you to all teachers
· Due to overlap of sports seasons, this is a reminder to all Winter Sports athletes that all fall sports take precedence over any future hockey
rep is here this morning in the
give all RHS Fall sports commitments first priority over any RHS Winter sports
with this policy and will not allow RHS Fall sports athletes to try
this Friday during period one to help
· With Winter sports try outs over lapping the Fall sports season,
have first priority over Winter sports try outs. Submitted by K. Jordan
and White game for the boys' hockey
Winter sport athletes to give ALL RHS Fall sports (Soccer & swimming)
honour your fall sports commitments over any conflicting Winter sport try-outs
RHS athletes: here is the RHS Athletic
give all RHS Fall sports commitments first priority over any RHS Winter sports
with this policy and will not allow RHS Fall sports athletes to try
ie. rugby and volleyball) during the same sports season. The school has allowed this to
there are too many conflicts between the two sports once the rugby league starts up in April
in medicine, there is an opportunity for high school students to
· With Winter sports try outs over lapping the Fall sports season,
have first priority over Winter sports try outs.
Student Council is having a BBQ today at
lunch – 2 hot dogs and a water for $2.00
the gym lobby announcement board for any updates on team schedules or rosters.
off – move up as it will
Half court challenge again this Thursday,
November 10th at second half of lunch. Winner, of course
into the teacher sports reps. As of
have a huge week for sports this week Redhawks!