JV and VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL practices have been CANCELLED today after school
Ski & Snowboard cashless online purchase - is NOWworking!
There is a band prep for grade six band
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=715
· There is singing club today at lunch. Bring your lunch and we will sing! New members welcome!
Sports News:
· In soccer action, the Varsity girls lost a hard fought battle to
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=174
· Reminder of Concert Band after school today. See you then!
Sports News:
· Congratulations to the JV girls, JV boys and Varsity Boys soccer teams on Winning their games last night
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=187
Sports News:
Attention Ski and Snow Boarding team - you will be going to Poley on Monday and Wednesday next week - weather permitting.
Varsity girls volleyball tryout from 3:00-4:30pm
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=265
A Cougar Shout Out goes to the QMS Chess Team who competed at the Hampton Education Centre last weekend. Grade 6, 3rd place went to Jamie Stuart; Grade 7, 2nd place was
Sports News:
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=279
This is a reminder of grade 6 band practice today at lunch. Bring your lunch so we can start quickly.
This is a reminder of grade 7/8 band prep today during period 5.
Sports News:
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=293
Reminder of Concert Band after school today.
Reminder of grade 6 band prep in Period 2 or Period 3.
Sports News:
Good luck to the Varsity boys volleyball team as they travel to Rothesay
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=294
This is a reminder of Concert Band after school today
This is a reminder to band students to check the Music Room wall for band preps.
Sports News:
Good luck to the Varsity boys
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=297
Attention Concert Band members: Band shirts are needed. Please bring them back.
Instrument sign out sheets are due today. All school instruments not being signed out need
Sports News:
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=331
Congratulations to Isabel Tanfara, Nathan Fortin, John Suh, Johan Hooper, Connor Griffin, Cuinn Wilson, Ethan Marrs, Nathan Watson, Carter Rogerson and Joe Webster for their hockey
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1946/morning announcements/Lists/Posts/ViewPost.aspx?ID=381