Posted on the sports board is a list of students who played on a Hmms sports team. Please check your name and the amount of sports. If it is incorrect, please write it down on
…, May 31, 2019.docx
has been chosen and the list is posted on the sports board. Congratulations to all you boys.
begin today from 3:30-5 on the upper field. A sign-up sheet is posted on the sports board.
… 12, 2019 Thursday.docx
Posted on the sports board is a list of students who played on a HMMS sports team. Please check your name and the amount of sports. If it is incorrect, please write it down on
…, June 3, 2019.docx
On the sports board the schedule of events for the track meet on Monday is posted. All
Also on the sports board is a list of sports that each HMMS athlete has played. If you are
… -June 6, Wednesday.docx
Today’s Date: Monday, January 26, 2015 – Day 4
the sign-up sheet will be on the sports board at break. If any teachers are interested in joining, please sign up on the sports board.
… - Jan. 26.docx
September 18, 2018 Tuesday 3.docx
High field. The sign-up sheet is posted on the sports board.There is a sign-up sheet on the sports board for the JV girls’ soccer team. No tryout
… 18, 2018 Tuesday 3.docx
On the sports board the schedule of events for the track meet on Monday is posted. All
Also on the sports board is a list of sports that each HMMS athlete has played. If you are
… -June 7, Thursday.docx
Posted on the sports board is a list of students who played on a HMMS sports team. Please check your name and the amount of sports. If it is incorrect, please write it down on
…, June 4, 2019.docx
The practice schedule will be posted on the sports board today.Today there will be the first
-6. The sign-up sheets are on the sports board.Basketball players are asked to return their
…, March 13, 2019.docx
Today’s Date: Monday, October 19, 2015
Today’s “Pat On The Back” goes to: Payton Spinks
invited back will be posted on the sports board and will have the final tryout Wednesday at
… - Oct.19,2015.docx