Each year the Island View Home and School Association runs a magazine campaign as our major fundraiser.
Choir and Sports uniforms
2015 Camp Brochure_April 23.pdflibrary Events_Saint John Events Children May 2015.pdf
Grade 4 – Nick Khitab and Aiden Hazen – New Brunswick Sports Legacy Award
Principal Mr. Mark Blucher October 2014 Vice-Principal Mrs. Julie Daigle
starting soon: chess, art, colouring, surprise, sports, and dance. We encourage students to
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/islandview/SiteAssets/Pages/Newsletters/IVS October Newsletter 2014.docx
I look forward to another great year at Island View School. It is my pleasure to work alongside terrific staff in this wonderful community that is steeped in a tradition of high
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/islandview/File Cabinet/IVS Parent-Student HANDBOOK 2014 - 15.docx