Reminder of Grade 6 Band today after school.
Varsity Girls volleyball – last tryout, tomorrow 3:00 - 4:30
JV Girls volleyball tryouts – Wednesday, 4:30 – 6:00 and Thursday, 4:30 – 6:00
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The Variety Show auditions continue today. Please be on time. Student judges please be on time.
All band students are reminded to bring your instruments on Monday.
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There will be a band practice today for all Grade 6 students at lunch. All members MUST attend.
Reminder our Music Festival performance is tomorrow.
The Varsity girls and Varsity boys
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The Varsity girls basketball team will practice from 3:00-4:30pm
The JV girls Basketball team will practice from 4:30-6:00pm.
The JV boys basketball team will practice from 6:00-7:30pm.
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Reminder of Singing Club today after school.
Congratulations to the Varsity Girls basketball team on winning their game last night against Rothesay Park.
Good luck to the JV Boys
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Library books are due back today. There are many students with both overdue books and books still signed out. If the books are not returned today, the expectation will be
Sports News:
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Sports News:
Boy’s discus tryouts will take place at lunch today. Please be ready and in the gym by 12:10.
Track and Field running tryouts will take place tomorrow afterschool.
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This is a reminder of band after school for the grade 6 band students who are in the Monday group.
Want something fun to do? Sign up for the bottle flipping competition. The
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This is a reminder to concert band members of your ticket making party at lunch. If you want more tickets, you are expected to be there to help make more.
There will be a brief meeting
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There will be a band prep for grade six band members today in period 4.
Reminder of Grade 6 band after school today.
Sports News:
Good luck to the Varsity girls volleyball team as they
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