$80 try-out fee for the boys team. Boys
any RHS Winter sports try outs or commitments. [Current Fall sports:
Only if there are no RHS Fall sports team conflicts, may an athlete go to
If you are trying out for
overlapping seasons’ policy of hockey and Fall sports. RHS Fall sports athletes are to have ALL RHS Fall sports practices & games their main priority over ice
· BRR committee: there will be a
· Due to overlap of sports seasons, this is a reminder to all Winter Sports athletes that all Fall sports take precedence over any future hockey
· Library will be closed at lunch
· Due to overlap of sports seasons, this is a reminder to all Winter Sports athletes that all fall sports take precedence over any future hockey
· There will be a Beyond the
· Due to the overlap of sports seasons, this is a reminder to all Winter Sports athletes that all fall sports take precedence over any future hockey
luck to our teams who are playing this
any RHS Winter sports try outs or commitments. [Current Fall sports:
Only if there are no RHS Fall sports team conflicts, may an athlete go to
i.e. rugby and volleyball) during the same sports season. The school has allowed this to
there are too many conflicts between the two sports once the rugby league starts up in April
athletes to give ALL RHS Fall sports (Soccer & swimming) first priority over RHS Winter sports try-outs
hockey & basketball). All Fall & Winter sports coaches have all the practice/game
Our October Spirit Week is next
Winter sports coaches have all the practice/game/try-outs schedule for all
sports commitments over any conflicting winter sport try-outs. Show pride in
Girls soccer tryout tonight from 6-7:30pm on the grass field next to the
from 6:45-8:15pm on the Art Miller
athletes: tryouts for most Fall sports teams are occurring until