There will be a meeting for those interested in running on the cross country team on Wednesday Sept. 12th for students in grade 6, 7, 8. The meeting will happen
School NewsSports News
Today’s varsity girls game will be played. Game time is
still 5:00 pm HP (white) @ SWS. The
varsity boys team have a time change for their practice. They will
School NewsSports News
The SWS sports schedule for May 14-20th is updated. Please submit any player fees owing
District & Provincial championships are this week. Good Luck and GO BULLDOGS!!!
The middle school girls soccer team will have tryouts on Monday September 16 and Wednesday September 18 next week. Monday tryout is at 4 pm. There will be no
School NewsSports News
*The middle level boys soccer team is in need of a coach. Experience is not necessary, but is definitely an asset. First Aid/CPR is also an asset. If you are
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SWS will have a sign-up list for those boys in grades 6, 7, & 8 who are interested in playing on the boys soccer team this year. The sign up list will be outside
School NewsSports News
** This weekend’s boys basketball tournament at Bliss Carman has been postponed. We are hoping that it may get rescheduled to a new weekend.
School NewsSports News
The boys badminton practice for tonight has been cancelled.
The boys softball practice for today has been cancelled
There was some paperwork sent home with the middle level badminton
players that will need to be reviewed and returned to the gym office or to
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