Upcoming Tryout Dates for 2017-2018 Sports.
you are interested in volunteering with a sports team at KVHS please contact Nancy Morrison
Nancy.Morrison@nbed.nb.ca or 506-847-6200
KVHS is one of the largest schools in
the Anglophone South School District, with over eleven
for students to get involved. We have 27 sports teams at this school, a state of the art
Sports/Academic achievement – Mr. Munro did some research and proved that on average, students who participate in school sports have a higher grade average than students
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m.
2. Agenda for the meeting this evening was amended. Agenda
Spring sports will be starting soon (volleyball, rugby, etc.)
2019 Jan Medical Clearance Concussion - Sports - parent
ASD-S School Calendar 2019 2020
ASD-S School Calendar for 2017 2018
Calendar Message for Parents June 2017
The Positive Learning Environment Policy is a tool designed to help school staff, students, and parents build safe and peaceful environments where people feel accepted and respected