a) Write a letter to Ms. Ferguson convincing her to purchase an item for the school. (soccer
convincing her to start up a new club/society or sports team or new jerseys/new equipment.
http://sites.nbed.nb.ca/blog/7Arbeau/Documents/Persuasive Text b.docx
Due date: Monday, February 4th
Barnhill Memorial School Heritage Fair: Tuesday. February 12th
Date of birth/date of death
Hobbies/interests/sports teams (extra-curricular activities)
http://sites.nbed.nb.ca/blog/7Arbeau/AnalyticsReports/Heritage Fair - outline - une personne.notebook.docx
Une carte topographique est une carte détaillée des caractéristiques physiques et culturelles ainsi que l’ élévation ou l’altitude du
-les pistes de sports (fields) -les édifices
http://sites.nbed.nb.ca/blog/7Arbeau/AnalyticsReports/Chapitre 1 Carte topographique.pptxView duplicates
work independently and develop self-discipline. Homework encourages students to
due for a class. Students have
your child to balance friendships with other activities such as sports,
and May 23rd – Peter Pan Jr. Performance at 7:00 p.m.
– June 2nd is Disability Awareness week. The theme this year is
for June will be “Attitude of Gratitude”.
– Year end field trip for all
field trip to the Legislative Assembly/NB Sports Hall of Fame. The grade seven students will
Please return the Reflection Sheet found in your child's report card envelope. Make sure you
– Junior Achievement for grade 7 students - “Our Business World”.
for June will be “Attitude of Gratitude”.
– Walk and Roll for disability awareness.
structure. Ms. Angie Power – 650-6001
– Harbour View High School Band will be here at Barnhill Memorial for a concert
– School based Science Fair in the morning. The fair will be in the gymnasium from 8:45 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.
field trip to the Legislative Assembly/NB Sports Hall of Fame. The grade seven students will
Please return the Reflection Sheet found in your child's report card envelope. Make sure you
Tomorow night there is a dance from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. $5 at the door.
Monday, November 20th – Report Cards will
requests for students to accompany other due to homework, parties, sports,