Hint: Double Click on the calendar date and "Add"
AVOID: Do not use "All day event" - select a start and end time.
Word or Email using this address:zzz-Sports@nbed.net(be sure to include "from email" in
All Sports Documents & Forms
2017 LumberJack Reg Formdocx - September 25, 2017
CNBA Ad Lumberjack Run Oct 15 - September 19, 2017
Pre-Registration (by September 29th ) includes a T-Shirt
$10 for children age 5 & Under (Free if T-shirt not required)
All profits going to CNBA Sports Programs
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-W/CNBA/News/Documents/CNBA Ad Lumberjack Run Oct. 15.docx
- Live different forms need to be signed and returned asap. Students must have this signed to
your child about the Lumberjack Run on October 15 to help raise money for their sports fee!
add a page that's NOT a Teacher Page or Sports Page, etc. You go to this OTHER subsite and
For example: You want to have a special page for Summer School. You would go to this OTHER
Qu’est-ce que vous portez pour faire des sports quand vous étiez jeune ?
Date de naissance : le 9 mai, 1956
Quand il était jeune, Fulton portait les jeans bleus, un chandail en laine, et
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-W/CNBA/Teachers/Documents/Dans le passé interview.docx
string;#October 15, 2017 at 2:00 PM
Pre-Registration (by September 29th ) includes a T-Shirt
All profits going to CNBA Sports Programs
“The vision of Central New Brunswick Academy is to
20 participants raising funds for their personal sports fees as well as CNBA sports by registering. Thanks to all who supported the
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-W/CNBA/News/Documents/November 2018.doc