We do send a lot of paperwork home at the start of a year and we have tried to keep from repeating information. There is a need to have certain forms filled
Referees for School Sports
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/emns/news/AntiBullying Information/September Star Report.docx
The first week of classes has been a very exciting few days with students and teachers getting acquainted with each other and familiarizing themselves with
Referees for School Sports
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/emns/news/AntiBullying Information/Star Report, September 11, 2015.docx
The first week of classes has been a very exciting few days with students and teachers getting acquainted with each other and familiarizing themselves with
Referees for School Sports
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/emns/news/AntiBullying Information/Star Report, September 12, 2016.docx
MNS Fall Family Fun Night: October 13, 2016 (6:30pm-8:30pm) Please join us with your family for
This is a major fundraiser for our school and helps to support field trips, sports fees
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/emns/news/AntiBullying Information/Star Report, October , 2016.docx
Every month we celebrate a different character education theme. During the month of September
the Millidgeville Pharmasave for purchasing 60 sports jerseys for MNS elementary athletics
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/emns/news/AntiBullying Information/Star Report October 1-2015.docx