Hint: Double Click on the calendar date and "Add"
AVOID: Do not use "All day event" - select a start and end time.
Word or Email using this address:zzz-Sports@nbed.net(be sure to include "from email" in
All Sports Documents & Forms
Cross country permission letter (1) - September 09, 2019
Cross Country Permission Slip - September 11, 2018
add a page that's NOT a Teacher Page or Sports Page, etc. You go to this OTHER subsite and
For example: You want to have a special page for Summer School. You would go to this OTHER
There are lots of fun activities planned for Winterfest. Here are a few to help keep you organized:
Fri. Mar. 1st: Sports Day - Dress as your favourite athlete/wear a jersey / Multi-age
Your child at Priestman Street School has shown interest in joining the cross country team. The cross country team will practice three times a week during morning recess and are
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-W/PriestmanStreet/News/Documents/Cross Country Permission Slip.docx
HAVE A CHOICE! Please select 3 of the following to complete by Friday. Parents, please initial the 3 choices after your
Monday: Sports Day/Jersey Day; free popcorn for K-2 classes
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-W/PriestmanStreet/Teachers/Documents/Choice Homework Feb 26-Mar 2 2D.doc
February Hot Lunch Forms - January 09, 2018
December Hot Lunch Forms - November 15, 2017
PSS - Calendar - November - 2019 - October 31, 2019
PSS - Calendar - October - 2019 - September 30
Each year, the Friends of Priestman School committee plan a few fundraising events that raise money for various projects at our school, which have been identified by the