630 Fundy Drive Saint John N.B E2M 2S5
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use and special events, along with the sports gear for students is very well appreciated.
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/beaconsfield/Newsletters/News January 2018.docx
630 Fundy Drive, Saint John N.B E2M 2S5 Phone: 658-5333
Please take note of the following
student athletes that participated in the final sports event of the year, track and field
630 Fundy Drive Saint John N.B E2M 2S5
Follow us on Twitter @Beaconsfield13! Join us on
use and special events, along with the sports gear for students is very well appreciated.
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/beaconsfield/Newsletters/news January 2017.docx
Follow us on Twitter @Beaconsfield13! Join us on Facebook
use and special events, along with the sports gear for students is very well appreciated.
630 Fundy Drive Saint John N.B. E2M 2S5
October 5th HVHS Play – The Little Mermaid
October 6th & 7th Professional Learning Days for Teachers (No School
630 Fundy Drive Saint John N.B. E2M 2S5
Follow us on Twitter @Beaconsfield13! Join us on Facebook
Parents are advised of the following dates to take note of:
As part of our efforts to
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/beaconsfield/Newsletters/news April 2018 (002).docx
Acting Vice – Principal: Mr. Dan Patterson
Beaconsfield Middle School will provide a quality education for all students regardless of ability, in a safe, orderly learning environment.
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/beaconsfield/Newsletters/news April 2012.docx
To create and sustain a learning environment in which the structure, tools and community exist that inspire students and educators to attain the knowledge and skills the 21st century
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/beaconsfield/news/Document library/School Improvement Plan.docx