Flea Market - Students who signed up to help with price tags can help Mrs. mclaughlin in the
Sports Club - Grade 2 Sports Club in mini gym. Students will be down to pick students up at
T. for updates and info about class, sports and everything gym related. Class schedules and
Picture Retakes are due to office today.
Badminton Practice for Grade 6 students on
Sports Club - Kindergarden will be having their first sports club meeting at lunch in the mini gym
the University of New Brunswick in Sports Psychology along with Master’s degree in Sport and
health and development of young people in sports. She serves as the harassment officer for
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/fhs/news/Documents/National Child Day Conference 2014 Brochure.docx
This Bursary is awarded in recognition of a former Forest Hills School student for their all round
SECTION III - Please list all Volunteer information, Activities, or Sports
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/fhs/news/Documents/Forest Hills Home and School Bursary Application-1UC.docx
Congratulations! You are giving your child the gift of a second language by having him/her
Your child might choose to watch cartoons, sports, music programs. Have the caption feature
http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/district8/schools/fhs/news/Documents/Summer Activities en français 2012.doc