FEC Barkers Point School > Teachers > Posts > This week in 1FI Frenette!
September 18
This week in 1FI Frenette!

Dear families,

I hope you all had a restful weekend! Here are a few reminders for this week…

Barkers Point open house is this Wednesday, September 20th from 6pm to 7pm.

Hot lunch orders for October will be going home later this week. A reminder that they are due back by the 28th.

In class we have been learning to introduce ourselves, including our age, eye, and hair colour. We are also practicing commonly used words and phrases as well as objects around the class and school.

In math we have been working on our numbers 0-20 in French and will be beginning patterns this week! I am so proud of the class’ progress!

We have also begun a “Je parle en français” chart for each student. Students receive stickers for speaking in French in class. Once their “sticker bubble-gum machine” is full, they can receive a prize and start a new chart. Be sure to ask your students about their progress in the evenings!

Hot lunch, milk, and library begin this week.

If there is ever a change in afterschool routines please add a note in your child’s communication bag or call the school

September 26th there will be an early dismissal at 10:45am due to teacher PD.

Please send in student fee of $50 ASAP if you haven’t done so already.  We can work out a payment plan if needed by contacting me by email.

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Mme Frenette​ 


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