Posts: ASD-W Updates on School Closures

3/20/2020 6:32 PM by barbara.long

Families of Anglophone West School District,



You will find, below, a memo from the Deputy Minister of Education and
Early Childhood Development for the Anglophone Sector, George Daley.  In
this message, Mr. Daley indicates that the school system is closed until
further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


All New Brunswickers, including school staff and students, need to follow
the direction that has been outlined by the recent NB State of Emergency that
was declared on March 19.  While the day will come when we start
looking at lessons, assignments, learning and schooling in general, the focus
right now remains on safety, health, wellness and family.  As noted in the
Deputy Minister's memo, parents and students should not expect home learning
options until April at the earliest.  District and Department staff,
followed by school staff, will prepare for the focus on learning as we approach
the day for it to begin.  I have advised all school administrators and
staff that they are not to be providing lessons or work of any
sort until the time is right, even if requests are being made.


Resources to support students and families with their own wellness are being
prepared and will be shared next week.  We have created a tab on our ASD-W
website where we will share memos, resources and documents as they become
available.  It is worth checking this site regularly, whether you are
a parent, ASD-W employee or casual employee with our district.  Our
website is


Thank you for your support of schools and our district during these
unprecedented times.  Please continue to focus on maintaining
positive health in your homes.




David McTimoney, Superintendent


Deputy Minister Memo:  DMPARENT Memo March 20.pdf  (if unable to open this link, it will be
uploaded to our website)

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