Posts: ASD-W Update

3/26/2020 10:19 PM by barbara.long

Evening Families of Anglophone West School District,


wish to provide you with some updates and reminders pertaining to your child's
schooling at this time.

School District and Department of Education officials
continue to work on plans for a continuation of learning despite the
closure of schools at the current time.  As noted in the recent
memo from the Deputy Minister, students and parents should not expect
specific instruction from their teachers until early April.  A plan
for continued learning will be communicated with everyone when it is
ready.  The current focus is on safety, health, well-being and
There will be no April Report Cards issued for this
school year.  This is a province-wide decision.
In the interest of safety for all, school playgrounds
are now closed for use by the public.  Signs will be posted as soon
as possible to support this message.  Thank you for your cooperation.
We have made some improvements to our website which
will allow for easier access to relevant information and support.  We
will continue to populate the site and I encourage you to visit it
often.  The ASD-W website can be found at . 
One helpful document, titled "Emotional Well Being Importance
Connection", is found on the site and can be seen by connecting
with this link:

encourage you to respect the parameters in place in our province during the
current State of Emergency, including social distancing.  We all have a
part to play in minimizing the risk of spread of the COVID-19 virus.




McTimoney, Superintendent



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