Posts: ASD-W Parent Q & A Grades 9-12

4/20/2020 10:31 AM by barbara.long

We hope you and your family members are well.
Attached below is a Grades 9 to 12 Question and Answer document prepared by the
Superintendent of Anglophone West School District, David McTimoney. To clarify some
points, or add a CNBA perspective, we have added a few notes. This information was sent to families today via parent emails to share and discuss with your child/children. 

If you have any questions or require clarification once you
have read the document, please reach out.


Take care of yourselves and your family and stay well. 

ASD-W Parent Q and A Grades 9-12 April 20, 2020.pdf

Barbara A. Long, Principal

Grant Ross, Vice-Principal

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