Posts: Distance Learning Information

10/31/2021 12:10 PM by barbara.long



On Monday, November 1st, teachers
and students will move to distance learning. As indicated in the email from the
Superintendent on Friday, “Please be prepared for sustained at-home learning
until the work stoppage is over.” The main platform for the delivery of online
learning is Microsoft Teams. All students have an account to access Teams and
have the information necessary to move into learning through this means. I have
attached a guide to using Office 365 for your reference. If you have an issue
with login or password information, please reach out to your teacher or an
administrator. I have attached an email address list for all teaching staff.

How To Access Office 365.pdf

CNBA Educators' Email Addresses.pdf

The schedule each day will follow the regular
daily class schedules that students follow at school. Instructional times have
changed to reflect at home learning and allow adequate breaks from devices and
learning. Updated class/time schedules will be emailed after supper tonight once
they have been finalized to ensure any possible conflicts are resolved. When
you receive the schedule for your child/children, please note the time changes
for online classes, especially in the high school schedule.


are expected to be online on time and follow the lesson plan delivered by the
teacher. Attendance during distance learning is required and attendance will be
taken each day for each class. The attendance calling system is still active,
so a call will be going home if a student has not joined a class. Therefore, it
is important for parents to communicate absences to the teachers so they can be
entered in the system before phone calls go home. We understand that technology
does not always cooperate or that internet access can be an issue, so please
communicate with teachers to support your child’s learning.


We have a limited number of laptops to loan out
for this period of online learning. If you have not already reached out to
indicate a need for a device for your child, please do so via email as soon as
possible. You will be contacted on Monday to provide directions on the process
of signing out a device.


Since the school will be closed with limited access
by school staff, please use email to communicate with teachers &
administrators. The main office phone will not be managed during distance
learning.   Our competent and reliable
Administrative Assistant will not be available by school phone or email during this
school closure.


Since some students were not able to get to the
school on Friday to gather their belongings, the school will be open from 8:30
a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Monday, November 1st to provide this
opportunity. Only students may enter the building due to COVID guidelines,
Masks are required as is hand sanitizing and social distancing.


Please understand that the staff at CNBA will
support you the best way we can when an issue is brought to our attention. We
want students to succeed and be comfortable with distance learning. Barriers
can be overcome when we work together on how to remove them.


Any attachments have been posted on the school
website as well… CNBA


As always, thank you for your support, patience
and flexibility as we move to distance learning.



Take Care & Stay Well!


Mrs. Barbara Long





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