Posts: New Brunswick Provincial School Representative Council Survey (High School Students)

4/5/2022 9:49 PM by barbara.long

My name is Alex Pope and
I am your schools district representative from the New Brunswick Provincial
Student Representative Council (NBPSRC). 

 The NBPSRC is collecting
data on students' school-life balance which includes handling stress, balance of school and work, sleep, and
social lives as well as their current mental health.

have included a survey for the students at Central New Brunswick Academy to answer. If
this could be posted in a place where all your students can access it and
complete it that would be great. 

is the survey:




Fill | Student School-life balance survey

This survey is for
the New Brunswick Student Council to collect data on how students are feeling
in respect to their school-work balance and their mental health. Please
answer honestly and to the best of your ability, your answers will remain


Thanks so much, 

Alex Pope


Grade 9

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