Posts: Policy 711: Healthier School Food Environment

12/5/2018 5:54 PM by barbara.long

Dear Parents & Guardians,

Today the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development announced revisions to Policy 711: Healthier School Food Environment.

These changes provide flexibility and empower local school communities to make informed decisions about the health and well-being of their students.

As part of these new standards, chocolate milk and 100 per cent fruit juice will be permitted to be sold in public schools.  

There will also be some flexibility for schools providing breakfast programs to students who need a better start to their school day.

For fundraising and special events, schools will be empowered to organize activities and occasions that respond to the needs of the local school community.

In-school celebrations, holidays, and special occasions will be permitted, although timing of these events must be reasonable and undertaken in moderation.

The overall main goal of the policy will continue to be to promote and make available healthy foods and beverages at school whenever and wherever possible.


Judy Cole   
Director of Communications, Anglophone West School District

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