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December 06
Poem of the Week - Candy Canes

Candy Canes

Candy canes are like peppermint sticks.

The more I lick them the smaller they get.

When I'm done and get ready for bed.

I stick out my tongue and it's candy cane red!​

November 22
Day on a Ship - Poem of the Week

Day on a Ship

There was a white ship,

that left the shore.

The crew found gold,

they all wanted more.


They started going fast,

and were chased by a whale.

It flipped its tail and rocked the ship,

that was the last time they set sail.​

October 04
September Update

​Hi everyone! We had a fantastic first month of French. We are all working really hard to improve our skills!

Here are two websites that may help your child continue to improve on his/her French skills. The first website is "Radio Canada Jeunesse" where you can find appropriate tv shows in French for your child to extend their French learning.​

The second website is "Tumble Book" where you can find appropriate audio books in French. The username is "connaught" ,the password is "books". You can change the language to français.  

Have a great Thanksgiving! 

Mme Melissa et Mme Jenn 

October 04
French Songs!

Here is a list of songs that we have seen in class. Please continue to listen and sing along at home! (This is being contineously updated as we introduce new songs). 


Days of the week: 

Months of the year:

Dans mon sac d'école par Sylvie Monette:​


Bonjour, comment ça va:

Numbers from 1 to 20:

Numbers from 20 to 50

Numbers from 50 to 70:

​Numbers from 70 to 100:

Body parts:

Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds (Head, shoulder, knee and feet):

Où est le chat?:

September 06
Poem of the Week - Week 1

My First Day

See me skip.

See me run.

I am going to school like everyone.

See me smile.

See me grin.

When the bell rings I walk in.

See me work.

See me play.

I am in school my very first day!

September 06
Welcome Back to School!

​Welcome to a new school year!  The students are excited and happy to be back! They are starting to settle nicely into the school year.  I look forward to learning and working together with you and your child!

September 22
Compose your very own music!

​Grade 4 & 5 classes are working on class and small group compositions. This website is a tool students can use to compose their own music.

July 06
Welcome to your Blog!

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A Blog is a Web site designed to help you share information related to a particular subject area in the form of text, images, links, and other media such as video. Blogs can be used as team sites, news sites, journals, diaries, and more.

Blog posts usually consist of frequent short postings and are typically displayed in reverse chronological order (newest entries first). Blogs encourage site visitors to interact with one another by leaving comments on posts.

Blogs can be also be used as a team communication tool. Keep team members informed by providing a central place for links and relevant news.