Posts: Weekly Update November 14 - 18 2016

11/20/2016 8:53 PM by Kelly.Gaines

This is a much overdue update from last week - with report cards and school review things have been busy for sure.

This week's words of the week are:  her, can, we, what, about.  The sounds we are reviewing are single letter sounds and double letter sounds (ch, sh, th). The poem of the week is "Pump and Jump" and will be uploaded to the class website.
In writing we began looking at procedure (how-to) writing.  Students learned that procedure writing has a title, a goal, a materials list and steps.  Students participated in modeled writing, shared writing and began creating their own procedure pieces.
In math this week we worked on sorting objects and being able to state a sorting rule.  We then began sorting 2D shapes and students were expected to give their sorting rule as well.
In You and Your World students talked about different groups they belong to and what makes a group a group.

Category: 1 Gaines K
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