Posts: DMS Volleyball Tryouts

3/12/2021 10:42 AM by cody.butler

Parents & Guradians


Please see the following protocols for volleyball tryouts starting the week of March 15th.  Students can check our athletic board at school to see if they are on the RED, WHITE or BLUE sign up sheet.  Times for tryouts are posted on our DMS Sport calendar. Please see the link below. 


DMS Sport Calendar

Front doors will remain locked. Players can arrive 5-10 mins prior to the practice/tryout. You may ring the doorbell for practice/tryout only.  
Players, coaches, and volunteers must sanitize their hands when entering the building.   
Players must go sit on the balcony if they arrive early for their practice/tryout and keep their mask on and socially distance.  Practices/tryouts held after 5:00pm athletes need to go home and return.  Students may stay on the balcony with a mask if given permission from Mr. Butler, Mr. Cullihall, Mrs. Oxford or Mrs. Allen-VanderToorn  
All players must wear a mask when they are not playing and physically distance from players not in their classroom bubble.  
Changing rooms are closed, so all players should show up dressed to play and can take off outdoor gear and store things on the stage.  
Bring indoor shoes with you! 
Mr. Butler Co-Athletic Director




Category: Volleyball
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