Posts: Week of Sep. 18 -- 8E: Sciences Humaines

9/17/2017 9:30 PM by beth.whalen

Students have been contributing to discussions surrounding a Canadian historical timeline of events, people, items, etc. 

This past Friday students chose Canadian events, people, items, etc. to research in greater detail. 

Later this week students will make a short oral presentation to the class.  This week we will co-create the criteria for this project (i.e. how long, what should it include, look like, what will be evaluated, etc.)


Students should regularly bring creative items /tools to Sciences Humaines class E.g. colours, scissors, glue.
Should you have any old magazines or newspapers at home, our Sciences Humaines class could greatly benefit from having these items on hand for research purposes - merci!  

Mme Whalen

Category: 8 Immersion
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