Posts: Happy New School Year 2021-2022

8/31/2021 9:34 AM by cynthia.burnett


Welcome FHES Families!

We are looking forward to another Great Year!

First Week of School - 2021-2022:

Kindergarten Students:


Kindergarten students will come to school, only one of the following days.  Families registered by June would have recieved a letter indicating their child's start day. Please call the school if you are unsure of your child's start day. 


·         Tuesday, Sept. 7th  9-11am

·         Wednesday, Sept 8th 9-11am


All Kindergarten students will begin coming full day on Thursday, Sept. 9th. 

Staggered Entry for Kindergarten:

Kindergarten staggered entry will give time for teachers to make assessments and form Kindergarten classlists that begin on Thursday Sept. 9th. 


Grade 1:


All grade 1 students will come to school on Tuesday, Sept, 7th. 

Grade 1 French Immersion Families please note that our numbers may require another class being formed and homeroom teacher may change. All families will be notified of the change if needed. 

School Hours:
7:45-8:00am- Morning Recess
8:00am- First Bell
8:10am- Classes Begin
1:50pm- Dismissal (11:45am Wednesday) 


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