Posts: Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pick Ups

10/24/2018 9:35 AM by tracy.stewart

Thank you for your continued cooperation in ensuring our morning drop off and afternoon pick ups are safe for our children.  Please be reminded that the Kiss & Drop in our cul-de-sac begins at 7:55 am and runs until our bell rings at 8:15 am.  We ask that you remain in your vehicle during drop off and keep the traffic moving. Please do not pull your vehicle out around another vehicle who is dropping off their child.  WE WANT ALL CHILDREN TO HAVE A SAFE DROP OFF.  Cars should only enter the school grounds on the cul-de-sac side in the mornings and afternoons.  Parents are walking their children to the playground and buses are moving through our bus drop off zone and we ask that this area remain clear of vehicles. We also ask that parents do not park or drop off / pick up with their vehicles in the staff parking lot.  At the end of the day, Kindergarten students are dismissed out the door on the staff side of the parking lot.  We ask that there be no moving vehicles in this area at that time.  We appreciate your ongoing support. 

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