Posts: CCull Post for Wed May 11....items due Thursday May 12th

5/11/2022 8:39 AM by clifford.cull

CCull Post for Wed May 11....items due Thursday May 12th


Doing Work Energy Theorm....3 types of work done.

Energy Unit Work Energy Theorm #1 solution pdf
Energy Unit Work Energy Theorm #2 solution pdf
Energy Unit Work Energy Theorm #3 solution pdf

Another Ramp example.

Energy Unit Work done Ramp Ex #2 solution pdf

KE/PE sheet of 7 questions due to be handed in tomorrow.

P112 111 KE & PE sheet


Collecting "4 reasons frogs are disappearing" sheet today.

Doing 1.1 "Silence of the Frogs" notes.

section 1.1 silence of frogs notes solution pdf

20 min Video "The Pond".

The Pond video sheet pic

Category: Cull C
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