Posts: Mark Your Calendars - Important Information to Note

11/11/2019 5:19 PM by Julie.Holt

Town Hall Meeting - Wednesday, November 27th - 6:30-8:30 at Nashwaaksis Middle School.

This Town Hall meeting will be a general meeting for
the public who live in all areas of ASD-W to ask questions and learn
information on the topic of Transportation in ASD-W.  A presentation will
be provided that will include information on the following:





Staffing Complement for District and how it
relates to EECD

Relative Legislation
Relative Policy
Current standards
Current numbers (buses, drivers, kilometers,
runs, students, money, averages, times, etc.)

Current practices and tools that we have

Current challenges
Locations of bus stops
Snow days (process and statistics)



This meeting with be structured with a power point
presentation followed by a round table style discussion.



Home & School Pizza Delight Fundraiser - Nov 12-25th - Orders Due Monday, Nov. 25th

Students will be bringing home order forms for the Pizza Delight coupons on Tuesday, November 12th. Order forms, with cash payment, must be returned to school by Monday, November 25th. Thank you for supporting this very important fundraiser.


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