Posts: Parent Information for Student Belongings Pick-Up

5/1/2020 12:35 PM by Julie.Holt

Dear Gibson-Neill Parents & Guardians, the following information is in regards to picking up your child(ren)'s belongings next week. If you have questions please contact your child's teacher who will find the answer or call the school on Friday, May 1st, between 9am and 1pm at 453-5429. Please note, questions posed to this post will not be responded to. Thank you :).-

Gibson-Neill Memorial Personal Belongings Pick-up Information
The time has come for students to come to school to pick up their personal belongings. Please take some time to carefully read this communication which will provide you with all the information you need to know before coming to Gibson Neill. In order to follow Public Health standards, we have created a schedule to minimize the number of people in the building at once. I ask that you please respect the schedule and the time and that only one parent and their child visit the school.
What you need to know:
• Parent and student will enter the main door of the school.
• Parent and student must adhere to the 2 meters rule as they enter the building. Social distance lines will be marked with pylons.
• Parent and student will always maintain a social distance of 2 meters or 6 feet as they progress through the building.
• Upon entering the school, parent and student will be greeted by a teacher and asked 3 questions:
o Do you have any of the following symptoms: fever, a new or chronic cough?
o Have you returned from travel outside of NB within the last 14 days?
o Have you had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
• If you answer yes to any of these three questions, you will not be permitted to enter the building.
• Parent and student will hand sanitize at the entrance (station set up).
• Parent and student will make their way to either the cafeteria or the dance floor to meet their teacher and pick up their belongings (schedule attached). Please follow social distance lines and pick up all their personal belongings which will be laid out in bags with your child’s name on it. Sneakers may not be in bags if a teacher is unable to identify. The bags will be open for you to check if you wish to do so.
• Once you have all their belongings, you will then immediately exit the building through the proper doors. Cafeteria exits the gym door and those at the dance floor will exit the kindergarten door (staff will be on hand to direct).
• We ask that you return any library books or classroom books at this time, a box will be available on the table where you pick up your child’s belongings, please deposit them into the box.
• Parents will only have to make one stop if they have multiple children in the school. The youngest child will have older siblings’ bag of belongings on the table at your appointed time.
• Should your child be coming with you, please remind them to social distance.
Please be reminded that this activity is optional, you are not required to pick up items at this time.

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