Posts: Home Learning Beginning January 11, 2022

1/7/2022 2:36 PM by tracy.stewart

We hope you have had a safe and restful holiday break.  We are sad that we are not able to welcome students back to in-person learning next week.  We know these are difficult and trying times for everyone.  We trust that everyone will work together to make home learning as meaningful as we can.Home learning packets will be available for families to pick up on Monday, January 10 beginning at 12:00 pm (noon).  By request, we can leave home learning packets outside our main doors for families to pick up if they require pick up after 4:00 pm.Classroom teachers will be communicating with you about your child's learning each day.  They will be in touch with you on Monday, January 10. We ask that you continue to keep in touch with your child's teacher to support the learning as much as possible.As always, we are open to questions and will do our best to support our students during this time.

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