Posts: Week of Nov. 14th, 2016

11/14/2016 3:43 PM by karen.little

Monday, November 14th, 2016
Dear Families:
Report cards are just around the corner!  We look forward to meeting with you to celebrate your child’s successes and look at ways we can further support their learning needs together.
What we are learning:
Literacy - This week we will begin our next 5 words on list 2 (out, as, be, have, go) and our new phrases (we go out, I have a).  Our reading strategy for the month of November will be to look at the beginning sound of an unknown word and get our mouth ready to say that sound.  We will continue to work on the sounds of “bossy R” / “R controlled vowels”: ar, or, ir, er, ur and introduce the sounds for “oo” (look and school).
Math – The next focus will be working with number combinations, looking at all the ways we can make a number (e.g.  6 can be 3 and 3, or 4 and 2, or 5 and 1, or 6 and 0).  Also, we will be talking about equal and unequal sets (balanced or not balanced).
You and Your World - We will introduce changes in our community over time
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
·         Just a reminder to send your little ones dressed for the weather as our mornings are getting much colder!
·         Report cards will go home on Monday, Nov. 21st and parent/teacher interviews will be on held Thursday evening, Nov. 24th and Friday morning, Nov. 25th (no classes for students that day.)
·         Sign-up sheets will be sent home this week for parents/guardians to choose their first three best times and teachers will try to accommodate requests. 
·         We are still in need of volunteers to work the cash for our Book Fair Fundraiser – if you have even 1 hour  of your time to donate please contact Mr. Murphy (
·         There will be 2 Christmas concert performances this year.  The dates are December 12th and 13th.  The Christmas Concert is called “Elflandia” and both shows will be at 9:15 a.m. on those dates.  Families with last names starting with A-K are Monday, and families with last names starting with L-Z are Tuesday. Parents are asked to send in an elf hat (from the Dollarama is perfect) as soon as you can so we can use them for rehearsal times.  Thank you!
·         Each night have your child read 1 good fit book to his/her “homework helper” and please practice your sight words and phrases as well.
      Remember to send in your library books. (Friday is library day)
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send an e-mail.
Mrs. Little                                                 (506)453-5429                         

Category: Mrs. Little
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