Posts: newsletter for January 30, 2017

1/31/2017 7:58 AM by janet.piers

Monday, January 30th, 2017
Dear Families:
Winter is flying by and Groundhog Day is right around the corner! We will discuss the significance of this occasion on February 2nd. Everyone will be watching closely to see if the groundhog sees his shadow!
What we are learning:
- This week we will learn the second 5 words and related phrases on list #4 (now, long, no, came, ask).  We will also continue to practice the sounds made by double consonant pairs (e.g. ff, ss, zz, ll). Our reading strategy for the month of January is encouraging students to be become “engaged readers” - being mindful of how to be an effective reader (eyes on your book, reading the whole time and thinking about what you have read). 
Math – We will begin to work on doubles plus 1 to 13 (Ex. If you know 6+6=12, then you would know that 6+7=13)  and continue to review addition of +3 and +4 strategies and review counting from 0-50 by 1s, counting back from 20, counting by 2s to 20 as well as counting by 5s and 10s to 50.   
You and Your World - We will continue to explore mapping skills as well as components of a map.
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
·         There have been cases of lice reported at our school. Please check your child’s head nightly. We would appreciate notice if lice is found.
·         It may seem early but . . . Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.  We will be having a Valentine exchange on Tuesday, February 14th.  Students are welcome to make or buy Valentine cards for their classmates.  Class lists will be heading home by the end of the month.
·         Feb. 24th – PD day for teachers.  No School for Students.
·         It is imperative that your child read a good fit book and practice sight words and phrases each night to strengthen reading strategies learned at school.  This is the time of the year in Grade One where students can make great gains in their reading if they practice!
·         List 4 words and phrases.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call us at school, send a note in your child’s communication bag, or send an e-mail.
         Janet Piers                                    (506)453-5429                

Category: Mrs. Piers
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