Posts: Weekly News May 23-26

5/23/2017 11:38 AM by mary.bird

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017


Dear Families:


I’m sure you
heard that our baby chicks headed to a nice farm last Friday after school.  We were all sad to see them go but know that
they are happy in their new, safe barnyard habitat!  To help ease our disappointment in letting
them go, we were introduced to our new adventure.  Ask your little one at home about our new
little eating machines.  We are all very
excited to learn about the life cycle of new critters!



What we are


Literacy - This week we will review all of our “w”
words which you will find listed at the back of their sight word book.  This week’s reading focus will be to pay
close attention to punctuation in the books you read.  Punctuation plays an important part in making
your reading “sound right” and “make sense”. 
This focus will also help us in our writing.


Math – We will continue to review doubles to 20, “Friends of Ten”
and numbers to 100. Last week we began a unit on measurement that we will also
continue with this week.


You and Your World – We will continue to explore the
characteristics, needs and differences among living things. 



Items/Dates to Remember:


Our year-end, Grade One celebration for
students will be a fun-filled trip to Kingswood for bowling and play-climber
fun!  To support this two-hour adventure,
we will be asking for $11.50 per child. 
Please send in the fee as soon as you can.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you
have any questions


is still being sold every Tuesday and Thursday for $2.00. 


May 24th – all tea fundraising order forms are due!  


Check the
birdbags today for important information about the amazing new program that
will be starting at our school in the fall; Sistema! It is a wonderful
opportunity for your child to learn to play an instrument and be part of an
orchestra!! Space is limited so the application forms need to be promptly returned!


The form for
next fall’s bus transportation need to be returned on Wednesday, May 24th!





all “w” words to be able to read them in a snap.  As an added challenge, try spelling some of


your take home books – find a favourite blanket to cozy up with and snuggle up
and read.


doubles to 20 by taking a deck of cards, turning one card over at a time and
saying the doubles math sentence (7+7=14) or play the “Slides and Ladders”
doubles math game that was sent home last week.



 As always, if you have any questions or
concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me at school, send your child’s
communication bag, or send an e-mail.



         Ms.Bird                                                     (506)453-5429                      

Category: Ms. Bird
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