Posts: weekly news June 12, 2017

6/11/2017 10:20 PM by janet.piers

Monday, June 12th, 2017
Dear Families:
   Our field trip to Kingswood is this Friday, June 16th from 9:00 – 11:30. If you haven’t already done so, can you please send in the money ($11.50) for our Kingswood adventure as well as  sign and return the permission slip by no later than Wednesday , June 14th. Thanks!
What we are learning:
Literacy - review all the “a” words which are found listed at the back of the sight word book.
Math – numeracy review of all addition and subtraction strategies to 20 and counting to 100.
You and Your World – we will be talking about Sun Safety
Information Items/Dates to Remember:
Popcorn is still being sold every Tuesday and Thursday for $2.00.
·        Thursday June 15th – K-2 fun day ((Please send your child with a hat and sunscreen as they will be spending a lot of time outside!)
·        Friday, June 16th, (9:00- 11:30) – Kingswood for bowling and play-climber fun!
·        Friday June 16th – last day for cafeteria services.
·        Wednesday June 21st – Gibson-Neill bike rodeo from 2:00 – 3:00 in school parking lot (more information to be sent home this week)
·        Friday, June 23rd – last day of school will be an early dismissal.
·        Practice all “a” words to be able to read them in a snap.  As an added challenge, try spelling some of them!
·        Read a good-fit book each night – retell the story. This will be our last week for bringing home good fit books!
·        Practice your mental math ability by having your homework helper call out some facts (up to 20) and see how fast you can write down the answer. (Use the strategies we have learned in class: Friends of10, doubles, count on, count back, take away all etc… Playing Cards are a great way to review all of our addition and subtraction strategies.
·        Please return any library books or classroom books that you have at home.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me at school, send your child’s communication bag, or send an e-mail.
         Mrs. Piers                                                     (506)453-5429                           

Category: Mrs. Piers
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