Posts: Weekly News September 18-22

9/18/2017 7:18 AM by amanda.kilburn


September 18-September 22





 I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are
ready for another busy week in grade 3! 
The children are settling in nicely to the classroom and are learning
the procedures, expectations and routines that will guide us through the school
year.  I am very proud of the effort they
have put forth so far! 


we are learning:


week we will be continuing to learn about increasing patterns as well as
playing games to help reinforce our knowledge of math facts. On Wednesday the
students will begin flexible math groups where your child will be taught math
concepts based on their specific needs with other students at their level. In
literacy we are reviewing reading and spelling strategies to help us during
read to self, read to someone, word work and work on writing. During writer’s
workshop we focusing on poetry. We are using students writing as mentor texts
and writing our own free verse poems. We have been focusing on important people
in our lives as well as special places.


Items/Dates to Remember:


day for students on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 due to an afternoon
professional development meeting for teachers. An exact time for dismissal will
be announced as the date gets closer.


Fox walk will take place Thursday, September 28th. Please make sure
your child is dressed properly for the weather that day.


send in the $45 student fee ASAP. Students school supplies have already been


is available for purchase every Tuesday and Thursday for $2




‘good fit’ books every night


math facts daily


always if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me
at school, send a note home in your child’s communication bag, or send me an email. 



J Mrs. Kilburn                                    (506)453-5429                   


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