Posts: Weekly News October 2nd-October 5th

10/3/2017 9:04 PM by amanda.kilburn



 Happy October! The students have had
another great couple weeks learning procedures and expectations for grade 3. We
have been learning about increasing and decreasing patterns, writing a variety
of poems during writers workshop and working hard during Daily 5 to strengthen
our skills in reading, writing and spelling.


we are learning:


week we will be having our first writers celebration! The students have been
working hard writing poems and have chosen one to edit and share with friends
from Mrs. Benoit’s class! The students will be introduced to “The Daily 3”
during math where they will be learning concepts and games to help reinforce
concepts that have been taught during class specific to their needs. This will
include, “math by myself”,” math with someone” and “writing about math”. We
will also be starting our social sciences unit. In science we will begin by exploring
soils and investigating soil composition and during social studies we will
begin learning about New Brunswick!


Items/Dates to Remember:


Please send in the $45 student
fee ASAP. Students school supplies have already been purchased.


dinner is available to students on Friday, October 6th. The
cafeteria will be serving turkey with vegetables, dressing, gravy, a cookie and
a milk for $6.00. Please note that there will not be any other choices for
lunch in the cafeteria that day and turkey dinner orders must be placed before


Picture Day-Monday, October 16th


is available for purchase every Tuesday and Thursday for $2


Safety week is October 8th-14th. We will be discussing
fire safety and practicing fire drills that week.


Schools week is October 16th-20th. We will be practicing a
lockdown and having a school evacuation that week.




‘good fit’ books every night


math facts daily


always if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call me
at school, send a note home in your child’s communication bag, or send me an


 Mrs. Kilburn                              

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