FEC Garden Creek School > School News > Posts > School Memo-September 16th
September 16
School Memo-September 16th

Memo to Garden Creek Parents and Guardians

Friday, September 16, 2016


Meet the Teacher – We had an amazing turnout on Wednesday night! Thanks so much for taking the time to come in and meet our staff and learn about our schoolJ

 Playground Use from 2-3 pm – I normally encourage families to  go on the  playground at any time – that is what it is there for.  However, please try to avoid it between 2 and 3 pm during the week as it is sometimes used for  grades 3-5 Phys. Ed and  class activities. The older ones can also get a little distracted looking out that window...  Thanks for your cooperation! 

 Hot Lunch and Milk Programs:  A reminder that the milk and hot lunch program starts this Thursday, not Monday! (my mistake!)

 Home and School Meeting – This Tuesday is our first Home and School Meeting. All are welcome to attend!  We love the support and fun!  See you at 6:30 pm in the library.

Bottle Drive – A reminder to save your bottles for next Saturday the 24th!! (8 – 12 pm J )


 ​Important Dates to Remember:   


Mon, Sept 19/20 –   Grades 3-5 After School Art Program begins


Tues, Sept. 20 – After-school Art Program / Home and School Meeting 6:30 pm

Thurs, Sept 22nd – Hot Lunch and Milk begin  


Sat, Sept 24 – Bottle Drive 8 – 12 pm

Tues, Sept 27th PSSC meeting 6:30 pm

Wed, Sept 28 – Ks at Everett’s U-Pick ( 8:30 – 11:15) / Grades 

                           3-5 Cross Country at O’Dell


Thurs, Oct 6 and Fri. Oct. 7 – Professional Learning Days    - 

                                                  no school

Mon, Oct 10 – Thanksgiving – no school

Week of Oct 11 – new Kindergarten Registration and Safe 

                              Schools Week


Mon, Oct 17th Picture Day! 


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