Posts: Creeker Family Memo # 26 - Monday, Week of March 8th, 2021

3/8/2021 4:17 PM by theresa.ghanem

Memo for Garden Creek Parents and Guardians


afternoon, Creeker Families:



Welcome to
March at the Creek   We
hope you had a relaxing break with your family and we look forward to lots of
learning as we slowly head into warmer weather and luckily, less mask wearing
in the yellow phase. Know that we will continue to closely follow covid
protocols as they relate to this phase so that we continue to be healthy in our
learning and growing.




Thank you! Thank you to our families for their support in
both our Winterlude activities and the dress up days as well as the food drive
that you so generously contributed to. We would also like to thank our
Home and School for the treats they provided to staff for our first day back
after the break!



Emotional Learning
– We are
continuing to work  on Positive Post-its : kind interactions are the way
to grow! Students can write post it notes with positive comments for others
 and we will both announce these and post them on our bulletin boards.



Hot Lunch – we are bringing back Papa John’s as a hot
lunch item after our bagel round is complete. Dates for orders will go live
today on Cashless and will be due by this Friday the 12th at 4 pm.



and School Gift Card Basket Fundraiser
 - A reminder
that parents can send in gift cards all week for our basket raffle!
Funds raised will go toward the playground upgrading. Please see attachment for
more details. Thank you for your support!


 Home and School-Spring Raffle.pdf


PSSC meeting – our meeting will be switched to Tuesday the 30th.
All are welcome to attend on TEAMS at 6:30 pm. Please let us know if you would
like attend



Dates Ahead ( highlighted are new)


Mon Mar 8
– 12 – Collection of gift cards from Creeker families for Basket raffle / Pappa John Hot Lunch
 Orders go live today


Tues Mar 9
–  Hot Lunch ( Bagels) – Feb. 2 orders


Fri Mar 12
– last day to order Pappa
John’s on Cashless



Tues Mar
16 –  Hot Lunch ( Bagels) - Feb. 16 orders/ Home and School Meeting
 6:30 on TEAMS


Wed Mar 17
– Tickets for spring basket fundraiser goes live on Cashless


Fri Mar 19
– No School – staff working on report cards  and Professional Learning in
the afternoon / “Bookings”  for interviews going out at 11 am



Tues Mar
23 – first hot lunch for
Pappa John’s


Mon Mar 29
– Last day to buy tickets for gift card raffle


Tues Mar
30 – Raffle Draw today ! / PSSC meeting 6:30 pm


Wed Mar 31
– Report cards are issued



continuously visit our school website at for the
latest school news and updates.



Have a
great weekend!






Katherine Campbell




Garden Creek School


Tel. No: ( 506) 453-5409


Cell (506) 259 – 0588                                   



“ Once a Creeker, Always a Creeker! “

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