Posts: Creeker Family Memo # 29 - Week of April 5th, 2021

4/1/2021 3:42 PM by theresa.ghanem


Memo for Garden Creek Parents and Guardians


Happy Easter andApril Fool’s Day, Creekers!    Enjoy the holiday and stay dry!



Winners and Funds Raised!
 Thank you to all who organized, donated and participated in our raffle -
$2726.00 was raised!  AND… Congrats to our winners ( drum roll please) : 


Bike 1 – Kate
in 3 Briden           Bike
2   Clark  in K Tobin     Gift Card Basket –
Anna in K Tobin         Easter Basket -
Connor in 5 Perry               


Rope for Heart – sponsor
forms are going home today and are due back on the 14th.  Jump
, jump!



Fundraiser – once again,
students will be busy in the coming weeks preparing a piece of art for our
Acorn Fundraiser. These will be pasted on an order form through which families
can choose to order cards, a calendar or other types of products featuring
these works of art. Order forms will go home on April 21 and will be due May 3
with a projected turn around for the end of May. Thank you to Amy White for
organizing this initiative. I am sure they will be treasured pieces! Please see
attachment Acorn Letter to Parents.pdf


Garden Creek
PSSC Parent Survey
– every
couple of years, our PSSC and Admin send out a parent survey to assess the
needs of our school through the eyes of our families. This will be coming out
shortly. Questions will center around connection, communication, curriculum and
other suggestions/comments  you may have for the school. The results will
be used to inform next steps in school plans. Please plan to support the school
by completing it.



Fadi’s Hot
– a new hot
lunch menu will be starting up on the 20th through Fadi’s. Please
see the attachment for further details. We will be trying it out for 2 weeks to
see if it is a possibility to continue in the future. Cashless is now live to
accept orders. Fadi's lunch.pdf



Cover Entry Winners-Congratulations!
Place (Yearbook Front Cover) – Addie in 5McLeod;    2nd Place (Yearbook Back Cover) –
Claire in 5Perry;  3rd Place
(Staff Agenda for 21-22 – Heidi in 5 Perry



as well to all the students who submitted entries.  You will be amazed at such artistic talents displayed
in all the entries.  These will all be
featured in the yearbook.



Dates Ahead ( highlighted are new)




Fri Apr 2
no school Good


Mon Apr 5
no school


Week of
Apr 6 – Jump Rope for Heart in Phys Ed classes!


Tues Apr 6
– hot lunch ( Papa John’s)





Mon Apr 12
– orders for hot lunch due
on Cashless


Tues Apr
13 – hot lunch/ Parent/Teacher Interviews tonight via TEAMS /


Wed Apr 14
no school – Parent/Teacher interviews


Thurs Apr
15- sponsor funds due to school for Jump Rope if participating  




Tues Apr
20 –  hot lunch /Home and School Meeting 6:30 pm on TEAMS


Wed Apr 21
– Acorn order forms go



Tues Apr
27 – hot lunch / PSSC meeting 6:30 pm on TEAMS



continuously visit our school website at for the
latest school news and updates.



Have a
great weekend!







Katherine Campbell




Garden Creek School


Tel. No: ( 506) 453-5409


Cell (506) 259 – 0588                                   



“ Once a Creeker, Always a Creeker! “


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